
  • Structure and interactions of biomolecules at electrochemical interface probed with surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy

Structure and interactions of biomolecules at electrochemical interface probed with surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy

Important biomolecular processes associated with adsorption, recognition, self-assembly, and association take place at interface. These processes govern the functionality of biomolecules required for vitally important biochemical reactions, but also might be associated with pathological developments. Especially important, however difficult to explore, is the problem related with interfacial electric field effect on the structure and interaction of adsorbed biomolecules. To control biomolecular processes at interface, molecular level understanding is required. However, most currently available techniques are not sensitive enough to molecular structure of compounds at interface or cannot be explored in-situ in water environment. This work is aimed to determine the peculiarities of adsorption and interaction of biomolecules at electrochemical interface in-situ under the electrode potential control by employing surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS).
For more information, please contact the theme supervisor G. Niaura.