On Wednesday, 28 August, 13:00-14:30, Dr. Oleg Pronin from Helmut Schmidt University (Hamburg, Germany) will give a seminar "Toward a compact XUV frequency comb source" in the FTMC Conference Room A101.
Dr. O. Pronin is one of the students of Prof. Ferenc Krausz, Nobel Prize winner for attosecond lasers.
About the seminar:
"Is there any new physics out there? Of course, for example, what is dark matter, can we detect it, and how? One intriguing approach to detecting dark matter involves the development of precise and sensitive nuclear clocks.
I will report on setting up the light source for performing the spectroscopy of the Thorium isotope (229Th) transition, which plays a crucial role in nuclear clocks. The XUV light source is envisioned to be used for many other applications in fundamental spectroscopy. The XUV source is based on the world’s highest peak power oscillator, delivering 200 W average power, 14 MHz repetition rate, and 110 MW peak power with 120 fs pulse duration. This output is being spectrally broadened and compressed in the cascaded multipass cells down to 8 fs and increasing peak power to nearly 1 GW. The XUV generation is being performed using high harmonic generation in a gas jet. The picture of the experimental setup is shown below.
A key technology driving this project is pulse shortening in multipass cells performed closely with startup company n2-Photonics. Also I am going to address a few potential practical applications of this pulse-shortening technology in the field of glass micromachining."

About the researcher:
Oleg Pronin was born in Ertil, Russia, in 1985. He received a Diploma degree in solid-state physics from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) in 2008, and a Ph.D. degree in physics from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, in 2012 under the supervision of Prof. Ferenc Krausz.
From 2012 to 2014, he was a Postdoctoral Scientist with the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. From 2014 to 2019, he was a Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany. Since 2019 he is a full professor at Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg, Germany. He has co-authored over 30 articles and holds several patents. He is a co-founder of n2-Photonics start-up company. His research interests include soliton mode-locking and instabilities, the development of high-power femtosecond 1-μm and 2-μm thin-disk oscillators, ultra-broadband mid-infrared frequency combs, nonlinear spectral broadening in solids, carrier-envelope-phase stabilization and few-cycle pulse generation.