
  • Application of nanotechnology for development of plafrom for label-free electrochemical sensors

Application of nanotechnology for development of plafrom for label-free electrochemical sensors

Nanotechnology is usually applied for development of optical sensors. In this topic, electrochemical label-free sensors will be developed using active proteins, aptamers, etc. in order to improve selectivity. The sensitivity will be improved using various metallic, non-metallic and magnetic nanoparticles synthesised by a PhD student. Furthermore, the develop sensors will be nanostructurised and miniaturised as well as modified with nanoparticles and active proteins or aptamers. The signal of the sensors will be acquired measuring resistance changes employing electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. If needed, bipolar electrochemistry will be also implemented. No particular analyte is chosen not, it will be done according to the need and interests of PhD student.

The Department of Nanoengineering has all the required equipment and experience related to sensor development: electrodes, materials and equipment for electrode modification and minimisation Equipment: potenciostate/galvanostate with impedance mode (CompatStat) for electrochemical synthesis and characterisation; ultrasound bath for synthesis of nanoparticles; optical and atomic force microscopes for a surface characterisation, the latter one also for nanolithography; materials and facilities for microcontact printing; oxygen plasma machine for surface preparation, etc. Besides this equipment we can use scanning electron microscope and other surface analysis techniques as well as surface modification using lasers in other departments of FTMC. Our group has a good experience with the development of sensor development and formation of conducting polymers.
For more information, please contact the theme supervisor R. Pauliukaitė.