
  • Changes in spectroscopic properties determined by the interaction of 2D materials and organic compounds

Changes in spectroscopic properties determined by the interaction of 2D materials and organic compounds

Recently, interest in inorganic 2D materials (especially graphene) has grown rapidly and attracted the attention of many scientists in physics, chemistry, materials engineering, medicine and other fields. 2D materials are widely used in various fields such as nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, energy, composite nanolayers, sensors, filtration systems, life sciences and medicine. The 2D material class is very wide – it is graphene type materials, boron nitride nanosheeds, some of the transition metal dichalkogenide monolayers (TDM: MoS2, WS2m etc.), oxides, nitrides, hydroxides, perovskites and so on. When interacting with organic molecules, the 2D material changes the electronic structure of the 2D material surface, which in turn determines its optical and electromagnetic properties change. In this work, it is planned to perform complex organic compounds and 2D materials using steady stare spectroscopy, pump-probe spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy and others spectroscopic methods.
For more information, please contact the theme supervisor R. Karpič.