
  • Mišrių metalų ir dielektrinių optinių dangų formavimas ir tyrimai

Mišrių metalų ir dielektrinių optinių dangų formavimas ir tyrimai

T 008

Alexandr Belosludtsev 

Mišrių metalų ir dielektrinių optinių dangų formavimas ir tyrimai

Preparation and investigation of metal-dielectric coatings

Theme description
Metal-dielectric coatings are finding more and more new applications in coatings technologies. In comparison to all-dielectic coatings, the use of metal layer gives several benefits. For example, using such material combination it is possible to prepare optical coatings in less layers and with advanced properties. Also, metal are activly used in plasmonics. In our resent publications, it was demostrated several possibilitties of metal­dielectric coatigns designs and applications. The beam-splitting and sensor elements were investigated. Nevertheless, futher optimization of the preparation conditions and coating structure might be done. The paiiicular PhD theses will be related to the optimization of the preparation process, optimization of the coatings structure and the final optical element analyzing.