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2024. 04. 29 -

In Memoriam. Gintautas Jurgis Babonas

Prof. Gintautas Jurgis Babonas (1941-2024). Photo: Universal Lithuanian Encyclopedia /
This weekend we said goodbye to Prof. Gintautas Jurgis Babonas.
He left us a scientific tradition in semiconductor optics, with outstanding work in solid-state optical spectroscopy and materials science. And a scientific heritage spread nationally and internationally.
An unforgettable personal example, who taught those around him to rise above their everyday existence; - who encouraged them to look beyond the horizon, and to search deeper together.
Encouraging us to be amazed. Encouraging us not to despair and to persevere in the pursuit of Truth...
Much has been accomplished, and Death cannot take it away.
Gintaras Valušis, Vilnius, evening of 28th April 2024
Gintautas Jurgis Babonas (1941-2024) was a distinguished Lithuanian physicist, Professor, habilitated Doctor of Science.
1941: Born in Vilnius, Lithuania.
1958-1963: Student, Department of Physics and Mathematics, Vilnius University.
1963-1964: Laboratory Assistant, Institute of Physics and Mathematics.
1964-1967: Engineer, Institute of Physics and Mathematics.
1967-1970: Started to work at Semiconductor Physics Institute (from 2010 - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, FTMC); PhD student, VU Institute of Physics and Mathematics
1970: PhD thesis.
1970-1972: Junior Research Associate, Semiconductor Physics Institute.
1972-1981: Senior Research Associate, Semiconductor Physics Institute.
1981-1992: Head of the Crystal Dispersion Division.
Co-author of the monograph "Electronic structure and optical spectra of semiconductors" (1987).
In 1991, was awarded a Habilitation.
From 1992, was a Principle Research Associate and the Head of Semiconductor Optics Laboratory at Semiconductor Physics Institute.
Since 1993 lecturer at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Professor (1995).
Key areas of research work: electronic energy spectra of solids, structure and bonding, optical measurements, spectroscopic ellipsometry. He has published more than 300 scientific publications, was Visiting Researcher at scientific institutes in Sweden and Norway.
G. J. Babonas was a member of Lithuanian Physical Society and International Society of Optical Engineering.
In 2000 he was awarded the Order of the Grand Duke Gediminas of Lithuania for his contribution to the State.
We express our sincere condolences to Professor's family and colleagues.
FTMC, VU ( and the Universal Lithuanian Encyclopedia / information
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