

Membership in Associations, Organisations

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology is a founder of the Research and Technology Organization in Lithuania

The country‘s leading research centers - the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC), the Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI), the Lithuanian Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC) and the Science and Technology Park of the Institute of Physics - have established a Research and Technology Organization (RTO). It will act as an association with the aim of consolidating the country's potential in applied research by expanding the high value-added industrial sector while maintaining the organizational flexibility of the centers.
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology is a member of the European Association of Research and Technology Organizations (EARTO)

EARTO is the European trade association of Research and Technology Organisations. EARTO represents around 350 such organisations across Europe. The list of EARTO members includes VTT in Finland, TNO in the Netherlands, IMEC in Belgium, and Fraunhofer Fellowships in Germany. Its members make a major contribution to strengthening economic competitiveness and social development in Europe by supporting product, process and service innovation in all branches of industry and services, public and private.
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology is the member of the following associations:
  • Association of Institutes of Physical Sciences and Technology
    Members of this association are State scientific research institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, public institution “Science and Technology Park of Physics Institute” and Public institution “Park of science and technology”. Association is pursuing the public interest objectives – international cooperation, science and professional improvement, health care, dissemination of information. One of the main goals – promoting and coordinating creation of scientific production made by members of association and it’s transmission to business subjects, expanding inventive and patent activities, creating open access centers of infrastructure and public scientific laboratories. The project “Improvement of operational efficiency of three connecting institutes (physics, chemistry, semiconductor physics)” funded by EU is being carried out for completion of these goals.
  • Association of Vilnius Valleys
    The aims of Association of Vilnius Valleys, the members of which are Vilnius University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, State research institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius University Institute of Oncology, Public institution „Sunrise Valley“, Public institution „Visoriai Information Technology Park“, are the following: to coordinate, effectively plan and implement the development programs of Integrated science, studies and business center „Sunrise“ and other integrated science, studies and business centers founded and being established in Vilnius city; to expand the Association and to strive for integrating science and studies institutions, business enterprises and other legal entities implementing tasks and measures provided in the Valley programs;  to accomplish objectives of Valleys, represent and coordinate science, studies and business interests arising in the activity of Valleys, to ensure the efficient administration of Valleys, coordinate their development;  to organize an open access to the scientific infrastructure established in Valleys with the aim of efficient use of the available means, scientific results and resources; to ensure horizontal cooperation among Lithuanian integrated science, studies and business centers, European Union and foreign partners as well as international organizations.
  • Lithuanian Laser Association