• Nekoreguojami


2019. 07. 02

Sauletekis Semiconductor Physics Seminars. Augustinas Vizbaras

Sauletekis Semiconductor Physics Seminars

GaSb – the next big technology for digital health: some insight into Brolis sensor activity
Augustinas Vizbaras
(Brolis Semiconductors, Lithuania)

I will present a short review of the photonic sensor technology development at Brolis over the last 5-6 years. Main focus will be on our work around GaSb swept-wavelength laser technology as a key component for a revolutionary sensor concept. I hope to provide some early insight how this technology is on the verge to become the next big semiconductor platform in the world.

July 2, 2019  4 PM @ NFTMC D401, Saulėtekio av. 3, Vilnius