Cancer treatment

1 FTMC komanda-c6e854203afa4b630a23eacdfa3679ba.jpg
2025. 01. 09 -
Lithuanian scientists develop innovative nanoparticles for early diagnosis of skin cancer
The FTMC team is the only one in Lithuania to carry out this type of research.
Sukovienė, Butkutė, Vaitkevičius, Dudutienė-96d359baa49e57e25ee4db77955c11db.jpg
2023. 11. 15 -
From cancer treatment to faster internet: quantum dots aimed to be used by Lithuanian scientists
This Nobel Prize-winning technology has high expectations in both chemistry and physics.
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2023. 09. 15 -
Physicist interested in black silicon L. Golubewa becomes the new PhD in Natural Sciences
Desired technology sounds like something out of science fiction - but science is moving towards it, and Lena is contributing to...

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