
2025. 10. 08 - 2025. 10. 10
EcoBalt2025: the international environmental conference returns to Vilnius
This year, the conference will emphasize ecological issues. Registration opens on 3 February.
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2025. 06. 04 - 2025. 06. 06
International Conference Celebrating the 220th Anniversary of the First Theory of Electrolysis by Theodor von Grotthuss
The 2025 edition will gather researchers working in electrochemistry, photochemistry, geochemistry, and other fields.
2024. 10. 15 - 2024. 10. 17
FTMC Young Scientists Conference FizTech2024
15 – 17 October, 2024. Conference hall A101, Saulėtekio al. 3, Vilnius.
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2024. 10. 03 -
4th International Conference "Baltic Biophysics Conference"
Abstract submission deadline is 9 September.
2024. 10. 01 -
APROPOS 19 international conference
1-4 October, 2024, Sauletekio ave. 3, Vilnius. „Advanced Properties and Processes in Optoelectronic Materials and Systems -...
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2024. 09. 30 -
APROPOS 19: Global stars of optoelectronics and terahertz science gather in Vilnius
Prof. Dr. habil. Gintaras Valušis, the organiser of the international conference, talks about it.
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2024. 09. 20 -
FTMC Innovation Manager M. Skaržinskas participated in a high-level conference on the use of Artificial Intelligence in Defence
„While AI opens up enormous opportunities, the human factor remains critical in final decision-making,“ expert says.
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2024. 04. 23 -
International conference for young scientists and students Open Readings 2024
The conference will welcome more than 350 participants from various countries worldwide.
2023. 10. 18 - 2023. 10. 19
13th Conference of Doctoral Students and Young Researchers FizTech2023
18–19 October 2023 FizTech2023.

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