
EKSPLA Andrejus Michailovas-5f13b6bf6fa8be00df2cee16d9adbec7.jpg
2025. 02. 07 -
Dr A. Michailovas is the Winner of the 2024 Lithuanian Science Prize!
Physicist's work has contributed to the development of significant high-power lasers.
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2025. 01. 27 -
Dr. G. Račiukaitis receives the St. Christopher's Award for merits in science!
The distinguished physicist serves as the Head of the FTMC Department of Laser Technologies and as the President of the...
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2025. 01. 23 -
J. Anulytė, who studies the control of light in nanostructures, becomes a new PhD
Her work could be applied to nano-lasers, optical biosensors or even quantum information transfer.
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2024. 12. 18 -
FTMC Collaborates with Ukrainian Researchers: Developing a Cost-effective Optical Sensor
The new sensor is very important for the healthcare and veterinary.
2024. 12. 06 -
Next-generation Lasers from Czechia and Lithuania Leading the Way for Europe’s Industrial Competitiveness
Led by Czechia’s HiLASE Centre and Lithuania’s FTMC, the LASER-PRO project stands out as a shining example of cross-border...
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2024. 11. 14 -
FTMC laser scientists' research on the cover of Advanced Engineering Materials
The paper presents a new precision method for producing three-dimensional cavities in metal.
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2024. 11. 05 -
FTMC physicists develop hybrid plasmonic sensor using laser technologies
It is an excellent tool for measuring small concentrations of different molecules.
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2024. 10. 24 -
S. Melnikas, who develops mirrors for lasers, is the new Doctor of Technology
Without better chirped mirrors there will be no improved powerful lasers.
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2024. 10. 08 -
Lithuanian research on fluorescent particles in the prestigious physics journal Nanophotonics
FTMC physicists have developed a method that allows the fluorescence of observed particles to be maintained for longer.
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2024. 09. 16 -
K. Stašys, who developes a new generation of light sources, becomes a PhD
He even filed a patent application based on discovery related with thermal emitters.
2024. 08. 28 -
Dr. O. Pronin's seminar "Toward a compact XUV frequency comb source"
He is one of the students of Prof. Ferenc Krausz, Nobel Prize winner for attosecond lasers.
2024. 07. 19 -
The work of FTMC scientists - on the cover of journal “Advanced Optical Materials”
FTMC researchers have shown that laser can be used to form arrays of different shapes in thin gold coatings very easily and...
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2024. 07. 01 -
UPLAMP 2024 summer school
All laser microfabrication professionals and students are welcome! The summer school will take place on July 1-6.
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2024. 06. 19 -
FTMC PhD student M. Gaidys' presentation recognized as the best in Spain for the second consecutive year
This is a great international recognition of the entire Lithuanian laser technology sector.
2024. 06. 05 -
PULSATE Connect: Laser Innovation for SMEs
Small and medium-sized enterprises are invited to the free event.
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2024. 05. 31 -
FTMC engineer A. Černeckytė, who studies ultrashort pulse lasers, receives an award at the International Photonics Conference
The youngest participant in the event was awarded for the best oral presentation in the laser section!
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2024. 05. 16 -
G. Liaugminas, a laser scientist working on fiber optics, is a new PhD
His research has led him to become more interested in quantum communication - and to continue his work in this direction.
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2024. 05. 15 -
Laser for blood monitoring and the search for star clusters: young FTMC physicists have won Open Readings 2024
Engineer Aivaras Špokas and technician Erikas Cicėnas have been awarded for the best oral presentations.
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2024. 04. 24 -
Laser scientist Dr. L. Grinevičiūtė, who chose the path of a researcher: there is always something new to discover in my work
The talented FTMC physicist shared her insights at the Open Readings 2024 International Student Conference.
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2023. 11. 15 -
From cancer treatment to faster internet: quantum dots aimed to be used by Lithuanian scientists
This Nobel Prize-winning technology has high expectations in both chemistry and physics.
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2023. 11. 06 -
FTMC engineer receives award at Lithuanian National Physics Conference
Rodrigas Liudvinavičius is developing a technology that uses a laser to create "light-breaking" microbumps.
2023. 09. 22 -
Two FTMC representatives among the winners of the Competition for the Young Scientist Scholarship
Physicist Dr. Paulius Mackonis and chemist Dr. Simonas Ramanavičius were recognised for their work.
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2023. 09. 08 -
S. Pūkienė, a physicist who develops sensors, becomes a PhD in Technological Sciences
How can gallium arsenide bismide serve science and society?

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