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2025. 01. 09 -
Lithuanian scientists develop innovative nanoparticles for early diagnosis of skin cancer
The FTMC team is the only one in Lithuania to carry out this type of research.
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2024. 12. 16 -
G. Kasputė, researching treatment with bee products, receives an award from the Lithuanian Apitherapists Association
Greta is designing electrochemical sensors that could be applied to the analysis of the composition of honey and propolis.
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2024. 05. 15 -
Laser for blood monitoring and the search for star clusters: young FTMC physicists have won Open Readings 2024
Engineer Aivaras Špokas and technician Erikas Cicėnas have been awarded for the best oral presentations.
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2024. 02. 08 -
A new treatment for chronic wounds: an international team of scientists will develop an injectable patch
Dr. W. Mello and Dr. A. Stirkė will represent Lithuania in this promising project.
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2023. 11. 15 -
From cancer treatment to faster internet: quantum dots aimed to be used by Lithuanian scientists
This Nobel Prize-winning technology has high expectations in both chemistry and physics.
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2023. 09. 21 -
Artificial organs - the near future? FTMC researchers aim to bring it closer
Dr. Arūnas Stirkė presented a technology that is expected to be to a real breakthrough in medicine.
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2023. 09. 20 -
FTMC researchers presenting artificial organ support at prestigious life sciences event
K. Kižys and his team are presenting a biocell technology under development that could revolutionize waste recycling and have...
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2023. 09. 15 -
Physicist interested in black silicon L. Golubewa becomes the new PhD in Natural Sciences
Desired technology sounds like something out of science fiction - but science is moving towards it, and Lena is contributing to...
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2023. 09. 07 -
Medical physicist K. Skovorodko defends his PhD thesis on ionizing radiation research
Nuclear medicine is a field that is gaining increasing importance worldwide.

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